As we wrap up our first week in Puno everything seems to be running pretty smoothly. We had two more members join us yesterday, just in time to celebrate our independence day together. This first week was primarily introductory but nonetheless has been eventful and fulfulling. We did our hospital paperwork on Tuesday and following we met with doctor Ivan for a tour of the local university, la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano. On Wednesday we started our hospital shadowing in the mornings. We´re spread out through pediatrics, surgery, obgyn, and general medicine and we plan on staying in our respective departments for the entire month, hopefully this will result in stronger bonds with the hospital staff and a better understanding of each departments working. Aside from the hospital, we visited a local elementary school and briefly met the students from grades 1 through 5. The school director was overly appreciative and is glad to have us back throughout our time in Puno. Aside from our work, the group has been doing wonderfully and our group dynamic seems to be perfect. I think we´ve been acclimating pretty well as we´ve been playing quite a bit of soccer, both with eachother and some of the Punaen college students. Hope all is going well back in the states and that everyone had a great independence day.
until next time,
until next time,
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