We are now in our second week, and each day has brought us more challenges. As we began to settle into our departments, the relationships between Project Suyana members and Hospital staff have helped to push along our other programs. Unfortunately, our progress has been put to somewhat of a halt because of the local strikes. Do not worry friends and family, we are all safe and the protests are all contained and organized. The local miners are protesting for the reversal of a recently passed law, and are marching for 3 days to have their side heard. In solidarity many businesses and schools have shutdown, and these closings have affected our programs in the local schools. Thankfully our friends at ACEM-UNA (a local medical student group) helped us place our education program at a local orphanage. We have been enjoying our experience so far and hope that our efforts can give fruit someday. Although it may seem that we are doing a lot, please keep in mind that our programs are in their pilot-stage. With every contact and trip we hope to solidify a program that is sustainable and helpful for the community, for this reason we ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
The orphanage
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