Tuesday, August 17, 2010

As alluded to in previous posts, we´ve been working on an improved cook stove project. Thanks to a recent U of M alumni, Rob Cerato, we were able to get an informed jump start on this project. Rob has been working in Peru for the past year on creating an improved cook stove that is made from locally available...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

StressCeviche, traditional Peruvian dishCeviche, Dr. Ivan and Freddy taught usAdela taught us to make empanadasAndrew is really good at itWe were welcomed at a party on our streetDanced with the neighborsCelebration Next on the stoves,Er...
Another one of our projects while here in Puno has been to teach English at one of the local elementary schools. Initially we were unsure as to whether it was really our place to be teaching, and if the effects of our teaching would be regarded as positive or negative to the community.After questioning both Dr. Ivan and the school director we were reassured that teaching English to these students...