While life goes on in Puno for the majority of the year, we always keep our Peruvian friends in mind while we're back here in the States.
This primarily leads us to carry out a variety of fundraising efforts. During the fall, we held another successful installment of our annual hat, scarf, and sock sale. We set up a table in Mason Hall on two separate days as the air turned from a comfortable autumn feel to that bitter winter chill that we've all come to know so well. Fueled by an effective Facebook campaign and the all-important word-of-mouth, we sold the majority of the material brought back from Peru. People came to the table in need of Christmas gifts, warmth for their heads and hands, as well as curious conversation about South American travel.
A new fundraising venture occurred around the same time when we held a Peruvian-themed party. Red and white streamers were draped across a ceiling, Picarones (donuts sold in the streets of Puno) were cooked, a pinata was present (although not broken open - we're saving it for a future occasion), and fun was had by all. The party served multiple functions. First and foremost, the members of the group had a blast planning it and enjoyed themselves at the party itself. It also helped to increase awareness about the group as well as the problems present in Peru. Finally, the event showed surprisingly high profits. For all of these reasons, it seems like a similar party is in our not-too-distant future.
The winter semester starting in January is a crucial time for recruitment and further fundraising. Our mass meeting is coming up next Wednesday (January 18th) and we're expecting to see some new recruits from Winter Fest and our flyering campaigns. The attention of the fundraising for the group is firmly placed on our second-annual art show with a location to be determined. In the mean time, we're searching for artists (both students and otherwise) who not only want their art on display, but who also want to be a part of the art-show process. This is expected to include artist profiles and descriptions of the works as well as any other personal touches.
Once again, make sure to "like" our revamped Facebook page, and as always, direct any questions to ps@umich.edu.
[Written by David Riva | Photo by Clare Toeniskoetter]
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